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Emailing Images to Image Engine

Unfortunately, image engine does not have an e-mail gateway at present, this is on the list to include in our software in the near future but in the meantime we have found an alternative solution that is simple to set up and configure.

To enable e-mail to be sent to our software we utilise 2 software platforms that are available on the Internet. These two platforms IFTTT and EasyFTP.

IFTTT has an applet that is able to receive emails from any source and forward it onto easy FTP.

Easy FTP then takes the image from IFTTT and uploads it to your device in Image Engine.


Emailing Images to Image Engine

Click connect and you will be prompted to create an account. A free limited account is available for testing.

Getting Started<br />

Click on “Connect” a second time and you will be taken to the next screent enter your from email address. This will be the reply address that you will use in the camera.

 You will then be advised that you are going to

Create an account with or login if you already have an account.

Once logged in you will be prompted for your FTP details. Using the information provided in your device activation email, fill in the feilds


Emailing Images to Image Engine

One the connection is created you should be displayed the following screen saying that the connection is sucessful.

Note, it is possible to edit the connection and enter a unique name for the connection.

Emailing Images to Image Engine

Back in endure that you Easy FTP account email is listed and you have selected the FTP server to use. 

Emailing Images to Image Engine
Emailing Images to Image Engine

Youre IFTTT and EASYFTP account are now setup and connected.

Emailing Images to Image Engine

Set your cameras to email to and the images will appear under the device that you created.

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